Larissa Cuffie » What Does My Child Need to Qualify for AEP?

What Does My Child Need to Qualify for AEP?

Qualifications for AEP 

The state of South Carolina has established three dimensions of giftedness as criteria for placement in the academically gifted program.  In order to qualify for placement in gifted and talented programs, a student must meet the eligibility criteria in two out of the following three dimensions:


Dimension A- Reasoning Abilities

Students must score at or above the 93rd national age percentile on a nationally normed aptitude test.  Students may be eligible for placement on the basis of aptitude scores alone if they score at or above the 96th national age percentile on the composite score of a nationally normed aptitude test.


Dimension B - Achievement

Students must score at or above the 94th national percentile on approved subtests (reading and/or math) on a nationally normed achievement test or score at the ADVANCED level for reading and/or math on the South Carolina state test (SC Ready).


Dimension C - Academic Performance

For placement in grades 3-4, a student must achieve a standard of 16 on verbal or non-verbal performance tasks.  Beginning in grade 6, a 3.75 grade point average in the academic disciplines may be used in lieu of the performance tasks.