Larissa Cuffie » AEP with Ms. Cuffie

AEP with Ms. Cuffie

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We are a laboratory, NOT a factory.  Laboratories are places of exploration, questioning, discovery and the focus is on the learning process.  In factories, the focus is usually about the outcome or products.  Those in factories are taught to do something one way and never expected to ask why or to try to find a better way of completing the task. 
With those principles in mind, I do what I can to construct problems in such a way that my students must use logic and reasoning...and yes there is usually more than one way to solve the problem.
In grades 3-5, identified students are pulled-out of the regular classroom for a specified period of each week to receive differentiated instruction.  The curriculum involves advanced interdisciplinary units of study with a focus on critical and creative thinking and an emphasis on problem solving and executive process skills.