About Us » School Improvement Council

School Improvement Council

2023-2024 Wood SIC Members

  1. Angela Brown, Principal (ex. Officio)
  2. Takeela Bates, Assistant Principal
  3. Nicholas Godfrey, Assistant Principal
  4. Andrew Price, Assistant Principal
  5. Mary Brooks, DEC Representative Liaison
  6. Jason Barrs, Chair
  7. Cathy Zitkovich, Vice Chair
  8. Terrell Gomillion, Secretary
  9. Kailey Zeigler, Wood’s 23-24 Teacher of the Year
  10. Lisa Dasher, Teacher Representative
  11. Noel Pound, Community Representative
  12. Steve Putnam, Community Representative
  13. Courtney Wickstrom, Community Representative
  14. Rene Chavis, Parent Representative
  15. Ashley Lowe, Parent Representative
  16. Megan Canestrero, Parent Representative
Agendas and Meeting Minutes
If you are interested in joining our SIC, please click the link below to let us know.  The meeting dates are below.  All meetings held from 6:00-6:30 in the media center at Wood Elementary!
September 24th
October 22nd
November 19th
January 14th
February 11th
March 4th (Open Meeting)
April 8th
May 6th