Title I Parent Feedback Parents! Please review this form and provide feedback so we can best serve our Wood family! Just click on the title above to open the survey.
Lexington Two announces eLearning day for Friday, Sept. 30 With forecasts of inclement weather associated with Hurricane Ian, the district is moving to an eLearning day. Find the information you need about eLearning from the Home in this story
After School Gifted & Talented Dance Classes offered for grades 3-12 Participants must be nominated by a teacher or parent/guardian; deadline for nominations is Sept. 1
Teachers of the Year, Support Staff of the Year announced The winners will be recognized at an event this fall
Join us for Back to School Night on August 11 Families will be able to take care of a host of school-related needs, including transportation and school meals. There will be raffles and prizes, too!
Dr. Brenda Hafner selected as Lexington Two superintendent Dr. Hafner begins her new position on July 1
Lexington Two programs featured in SCASA's Palmetto Administrator magazine The spring issue of the magazine highlights two innovative programs: District mentor coach and Lex2.5
Enroll 4K/5K students now for the 2022-2023 school year Register new students online; two proofs of residency and a photo ID are among required documents that then must be presented at the school before first day of school on August 15
Latest tally of COVID-19 cases in Lexington Two schools See district cases reported in our schools among students and staff, plus read student COVID protocols here
Public hearing on 2022-2023 general fund budget set for June 16 Citizens are invited to sign up to speak on the budget during a public hearing starting at 5:30pm. A copy of the proposed budget is posted with this story