Wood students move temporarily to virtual amid COVID-19

WEST COLUMBIA, SC -- Students at Wood Elementary will temporarily move from in-person classes to remote learning for a period of 10 days, beginning Wednesday, December 9, 2020.

This move is the result of a protocol put into place by Lexington Two amid COVID-19. When the numbers of students at a school testing positive and/or students in quarantine for identified close contact with a positive case exceed 10 percent of that school's total student population, all students are moved temporarily to remote learning.


It is important to note that someone who is in quarantine does not necessarily reflect a *positive* COVID case, but rather someone who has had a close contact exposure, as defined by CDC and DHEC. It should be noted that Lexington Two's COVID-19 tracking shows that more than 90 percent of those in the district placed on quarantine do not turn into positive cases.

The 10-day remote learning period for Wood Elementary students will begin Wednesday, December 9. With the half-day before winter break falling on Friday, December 18, Wood students in the in-person instruction model are scheduled to return to face-to-face classes on Monday, January 4.